Now that the swallows have arived..the birds sing a spring song and building their nests,I am going to leave the Hilltop for a while..
I'm going to close my little window to the world and say goodbye...I'll be back third week in May!
“We may run, walk, stumble, drive, or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way.”
Take care out there....
Art Iosif Krachkovskiy.
Bisous cherie! Have a goed time out there ;-)
I love this piano...and such a great quote...;-)
Enjoy your trip--we will miss you! Hurry home!
Have a good time dear Dutchess.
Bebe wanted to go with you, but I told her she had to stay home this trip...
Such a beautiful painting.. Love the piano.
Hurry back, you will be missed.
kzal je missen!
een fijne tijd gewenst...en wat een mooie schildering van het raam!!!
Ik heb trouwens nog geen zwaluwen gezien...vorig jaar had ik ze eerder gezien dan jij weet je nog? en dit jaar ben jij eerder...prachtige vogels
Oh my dearest, I am so late for this.....our computer system at school broke down due to a virus scare! Oh, please, please be safe and come home to all those that love you so! AU REVOIR MA BELLE! A BIENTÔT! Anita
OMG MY DUTCHESS! Thank you, thank you my darling friend! Seeing your comment on this, MY BIRTHDAY, really is a fabulous treat! I had thought that Miss Moussie's and Moze's little balloon had already taken you away from us.......but somehow, their little balloon has a transmitter that can send me THE LOVELIEST OF BIRTHDAY WISHES!
Merci my dearest and most darling friend. Much love to you on your adventure and thinking of you...Anita
You have a safe and wonderful time Dutchess,
XXOO Marie Antionette
That photo is so goregous I coild climb inside. Pretty post
Have a Happy Derby Sat, it's on Tv at 4:00 pm Sat
Have a fantastic time What a magic music and post Groetjes
I look forward to your return and the gentle beginnigs you bring to my mornings. Wishing you happy travels.
I am missing you!
Beautifully written post!!! and I love the picture.Sincerely, Jonny
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