
Summer night

The summer night is like a perfection of thought."

- Wallace Stevens

Painting-Childe Hassan.


Rosie said...

That is such a wonderful painting, so atmospheric - I'm ashamed to say that I had never heard of the artist - I've been finding out about him and looking at his work. Thanks for sharing this.

Anita said...

The sounds of your blog also evoke to the summer...


Los sonidos de tu blog tambiƩn evocan a el verano...

The Dutchess said...

Rosie,we share the love for "old paint"..This painting is beautiful,i would like to have it in my livingroom!I started googeling "Childe Hassan" because i also never heard of him !A wonderful surprise,finding a treasurse like this can make me very happy!

Anita,Thank you...the crickets in spane give great concerts!