
slow start

A slow start because,iiiits... back home Monday !Wishing you lots of success this week with all your plan's..I am going to catch up on my(blog) reading!

The difference between try and triumph is a little UMPH...
(on the playlist The Elephant Walk)


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

What a truly amazing photograph! I am entranced. Elephants... God's special, intelligent creatures. This was wonderful!

Kyanite said...

Welcome home!
As always you make me smile


Anonymous said...

and that's "umpH" not "harumpf" :)


abcd said...

Nice to see you back, hope you had a wonderful time. Fantastic photo of a very determined elephant!

Everly Pleasant said...

Hey, I like that triumph quote!
At Eyrie Park, Monday means...scrubbing toilets!
Sarcastically, Everly

Marja said...

Love the elephant. Know I know I have to Umph more often

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Glad your back...missed your lovely pictures! Cathy

Rosie said...

Welcome back - hope you had a great time:)