
A house filled with birds..

In dutch there is this expresion when its really really warm outside that goes like this,"Het is zo warm dat de mussen van het dak vallen"...Yes..what does this mean I hear you ask..It means that its SOOO hot that the birds are falling from the rooftops...poor little creatures. To be sure this doesn't happen today I invited them in...we will go out again when the sun goes down..Its ever so lovely all this little friends flapping around in my living room..:))

Art~David Brayne~.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest....I just saw your last post and I am so trying to keep up with the pace of home again! OH MY....how I would love to have our feathered friends come inside...the heat is spiking up our way as well; we just walked in from making a walk but the humidity is causing us to consider staying in the house today. Drink lots of water and I know you will leave out a wonderful and inviting pond of water for our friends....much love to you, Anita

Margarida Elias said...

I don't know if I woukd like to have birds inside my house, but I loved the art of David Brayne. Hope you have a wonderful afternoon!:)

Pas de deux said...

Prachtig schilderij. Ik ga het hele oeuvre van David Brayne zo even bekijken. En wat de vogeltjes betreft: ik zet elke dag een frisse bak water op het muurtje bij het terras en ze komen elke dag badderen. Heel lief en niet bang. Er zijn musjes, roodstaartjes, koolmeesjes, vinken in allerlei soorten en de zwaluwen scheren tegen de avond over de waterspiegel in de kom en nippen er uit. Dag, mooie sfeer heb je toch. Dag Lilian

May said...

What a beautiful blog you have, so restful.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Dutchess
What a beautiful post.. I just love to watch my birds.. They have now taken cover under the rose bushes.. Their poor little bird bath has become a sauna bath..
Bless you dear friend.