

Can you feel it...Autumn's soft touch...

"A late summer garden has a tranquility found no other time of the year."
- William Longgood

Art~Annie French.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest....Longgood was so right, still is.....as I look at my garden, it is sooooo green from all the rain we have had, MORE than I have EVER seen in my thirteen years here in Minnesota! But there has been a cooler breeze coming in, with sunny skies, promising the lovely chill of autumn that quite frankly, I LOVE. (WOW, that was a LONG sentence!)

THANK YOU FOR COMING TO PLAY THE HULA HOOP WITH TEA RAT! I just can't get him to stop MOVING these days! Yes, George Gibbs is the artist....I hope you find it!!!


Anonymous said...

I feel it... I felt it today, exactly... with the first, stronger blast of a wind...