
Say what....!

“Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”
Oscar Wilde

This is not always true...we are talking about the weather today because they say its going to be a very long and very cold winter..so better be prepared little gnome..I don't think this tent will do..its going to be artic...
-Say What..
-You heard me....

Be sure to watch the video below..its cold but sweet..


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dear, weather is a HUGE topic here! We had a lovely snow fall yesterday as I was preparing our turkey to put into the oven today! Off I go to make a cherry pie for Ruben. I am having the traditional fair and will be thinking of YOU and all those who have been in my life to make it sweeter than ever!

Dearest, your video does not appear on the page....


Mapi said...

Vanmorgen zag ik die witte beren al door de sneeuw rollen :)
Het was voor mij een fijne start van de dag !
Vanmiddag ,heerlijk fris op de fiets naar de stad en terug.
En ja het was goed.....koud !

Lieve avondgroet

Jacoba said...

Wat een leuke illustratie weer!
Spreekt me aan, omdat ik onze leibomen aan het snoeien ben. De kunst afgekeken bij een overbuurvrouw en dacht: dat kan ik ook. De bomen zien er nu een beetje uit zoals op jouw illustratie.
Ennuh, is de inkt al weer verdwenen? (Heb nog niet alles gelezen).
Groeten, Jacoba

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh, just wanted to come by to tell you that our turkey is smelling good and I wish you were here! Nita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest, may I have permission to use one of your drawings or photos on my next post?Again, I have to mention you, my muse! Please let me know; I am working on it at the moment....Nita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest, a visit from you is always a highlight of my blogging experience...one day, you will see me at your door, or on a little bridge over one of your canals.....gives the faery a big hug and many to you dearest zuster! Nita