What do you do when there's someone at the door...delivering you THIS....
Pure magic....a gift from a person with the eyes to see..and a heart made of gold...
""The fey wonders of the world only exist while there are those with the sight to see them""
Thank you dearest....xoxo...Let the Hokus Pokus begin....and my first wish is..may you all live happily ever after...
it looks like you have recieved a gift from the beautiful blue fairy.....so enchanting!
it's magic!
How lovely! I've got my eyes open to spot the magic in my corner of the world. :)
Thanks for your Magic Wish dear Dutchess.
En wat een prachtig geschenk kreeg jij vandaag.
Good Night
YIPEEEEEEEE!!!!! Whew...it takes my magic to get across the pond much longer than I would like! But ahhhh....the bliss of knowing that you love it. You precious person you!!! May the HOKUS POKUS NEVER, EVER LEAVE US! And may we both dearest, be like WENDY from Peter Pan...in old age, may our youth shine brighter than the STARS!!!! VEEL KUSJES! Nita
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