
The first frost...

Today I found the first frost on my window....I'm ready for winter..lets ride out together to meet him...


Mapi said...

Hallo lieve Dutchess
Loop heel veel berichten van je achter ga ze straks allemaal bekijken. Ik zag al dat er mooie tussenzitten.
Ja wat was het koud vandaag eigenlijk vooral vannacht, ik lag onder drie dekens .....
Liefs en sweet dreams.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HOW DID I MISS THIS? That is me, you know, on that steed! OH YES, I have loved horses since I was a child, and still do...I rode horses as a teen and to this day, tell Ruben I want one..but where would I put him at Rabbit Hill? teehee

FROST IS HERE WITH US TOO DEAREST...many hugs to you, precious friend. Nita

ruma said...

Hello, The Dutchess.

Awe inspiring your works...

Thank you for your love and sincerity.
Have a good day.

The traditional celebration, with kimono infants.

Japanese colored leaves, in heartwarming space.

The prayer for all peace.

From Japan, ruma ❀