

Its a piece of cake...Just follow your wit...Ignore Monday..go left at Tuesday...hop over Wednesday. Take a turn at Thursday...Go to the right at Friday,and voila...you are at your destination. The weekend.....

                                     -You say what...you are traveling by spaceship..!?

                                     Wishing you a wonderful week.....lets do this...Bon Voyage...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ooooh.....you know how to take us there, YOU KNOW what we need to get to our destination!

First, you conjure up a LOVE BOAT, A DREAM BOAT, for Tea Rat, who by the way, is at YOUR SERVICE forever, for providing him the most beautiful Sunday afternoon and night with his BELOVED Miss M. Now, you are taking us on a voyage BEYOND what we can see, what is on our maps. I see a special elf is directing BIG Rattus and little Tea Rat (teehehe) to reach for the galaxies.

Yes dearest, we are looking at the same moon and stars, à la belle étoile...

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh! This would be wonderful!
Thank you so much for coming over to meet Tinker... I am so happy you enjoyed her.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

AMEN...and look at that sky...lOL.
How are you Dutchess? I love the days of the week traveling. It was so cute. Isn't it pretty how the clouds form a heart. Perfect of course...Its Gods work.
XXOO Marie Antoinette