
To the waters and the wild...

                                      I'm out....together with my daughter and granddaughter...
                                                         I'm sure we will find adventure..

                ... In a puddle...
                                              because its like my very brave daughter said

 Pirate music for SIEN..:)


Denise said...

To great adventures! Esp.with Daughters and Granddaughters together.Nothing else quit like it.Denise

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

teeeheeeee......I SEE BOOTS! But this booted person has on clothes, so I doubt if that's Tea Rat on the puddle path, but I know that this magical walk in the woods with your beloved ones was a magical trip dearest. I missed your post since I got home late last night.

To be a GOOD pirate? YES....to not be afraid of the high seas, to look for adventure, and to wear a parrot on your shoulder? LET'S DO IT! Enjoy another fine day with the girls...