
Iiiiiiiiiiiits Monday..

               And my husband had an accident....they put some iron pins in his body...
                           I am out for a while..even Iron man needs some T.L.C..

Wish us luck..


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh my dear friend.. I am so sorry to hear this... You take care of your husband. I will keep you both in my prayers.
Love and blessings,

^.^ said...

Wishing a speedy recovery for Mr. Iron Man ... and much strength to you, friend D ... Love, ct.

Mapi said...

Oh lieve Dutchess , wat zullen jullie geschrokken zijn. Zal vast niet meevallen voor jullie allebei.
Maar ik denk dat jullie samen toch wel een sterk koppel vormen en je weet het hè, pas op in de buurt van magneten .....

Kus voor jou en Iron Man en hopend op een goed herstel.

Veel liefs


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH NO! I am a day late, but what news we are getting here! PINS? This had to be quite serious?

I know you are busy.....you will be taking care of your prince and we will be thinking and praying for you!

My dearest zuster, beloved one, PEACE TO YOU! And thank goodness, he is OK?

Jeanne said...

Prayers and healing wishes.
Blessings for you all

Marcia said...

Wishing your husband a speedy recovery, T.D. Peace to you, and return to us soon.