
... Luck..

Dear reader and friend..
I am out for a while..
because my world is changing
and I have to find out..
what's real..
and where's to be my future..

wish me luck..and have yourself a marvelous weekend..


Margarida Elias said...

Good luck!

Mapi said...

Good luck Dearest with whatever you decide to do .....

Heel veel liefs en een mooi weekend,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH DEAREST! I just arrived home yesterday afternoon, and now I am here...I missed you yesterday here for I had to catch a very early morning flight.

I am hopeful that your future is going to be filled with nothing but GOODNESS and of course, in order to find your course, you must focus. You know how much you mean to me, and how much I think of you. I believe that no matter where you go, the bright star above us will help us meet in the unknown darkness of adventure.

Wishing you SUCCESS and happiness! Hope to hear from you soon, Nita

^.^ said...

Wishing u ... luck, D ... always thinking of u ... be well, eh? Love, cat.

Elena Williams said...

Dear Dutchess, I'll be blowing only best wishes and
lots of luck to the wind for you! I love your beautifully
inspirational blog! I'll miss you until you return!
Regards from Texas, USA