The beginning of a new day in a brand new year..
Opening my eyes..listening to the sound of the morning traffic..A train in the distance..Its raining...the wind is singing a winter-song..My bed is my safe place....a most beloved person sleeping beside me..So simple.. but all together A Matter of Great Importance..Its a Big Deal this New Year..356 days of new beginnings..356 chances to be ME..
Pump up the volume darlings..its OUR life..
My dear, dear Dutchess, you are so right. I have been able to be ME for two weeks. No school, no need to perform. But I have been learning something in this much needed silence during my holiday is what you share here. The early morning has always been my entrance into myself. It's then that I can think and dream my best. But these two weeks have allowed me the luxury of NOT rushing off to work. Now I have a little more wisdom. When I go back to work, I must be the ME that has been polished for certain circumstances such as the professional life. And that is a GOOD thing. To know when and where and what to do is a plus in this life, and is fodder for more creativity.
But to be me is to be simple, to admire the sunlight, to laugh at the antics of nature in my garden, to sit and express it. It IS our life.
Much love to you on this second day of a new beginning.
Ja dearest, heb het leven lief ...
It is the pure joy to follow your blog. Wishing you a happy New Year D.
My dear friend,
What a beautiful and heartwarming post... Thank you for being such a joy to my life, your friendship is treasured. Wishing you and family the very best in the New Year
Love and blessings,
Penny and Bebe
Die tekst is een 'be-you-ty!!
Mij uit het hart gegrepen en op het lijf geschreven.
Heerlijk, om zo ook weer de dagen van dit nieuwe jaar te beginnen.
thank god 366 days! One day extra next to my beloved one
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