
A very nice Winter..

                                        The days are short
                                                  The sun a spark
                                                     Hung thin between
                                                              The dark and dark.

"January," A Child’s Calendar,


Now we wait until the cold will come to an end..and you and I we will be fine..Winter will be kind if we are..:-)


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hello dear Dutchess!
Wishing you and all a fine winter! Stay warm, Bebe hopes to make a journey to Nowhere soon...
Loved the video!

donna baker said...

Love that picture.

Nada said...

Beautiful the photo!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

DEAREST! You are home, you are HOME! School is demanding my energy these days, so I am late as usual, but to come here for me, is HOME. I LOVE THAT RABBIT eating the branch; our wild bunnies eat the bark off our trees to sustain themselves during this cold winter. But our weather is warming up again and soon dearest, we shall run in the garden, all of us, together.

Mapi said...

Fijn je bent er weer, wat een lief filmpje.
Warme groet.


la- rĂªverie said...

Now the snow has also reached us. Very beautiful!