
Over the wall..

                                                   I believe I was three..
                                    when my father lifted me up..to see the sea !
                      The wall...to high for me...anything could be hiding behind..
                                                    What I saw..in awe..
           ..still is one of the most beautiful and dearest memories to me..
                                       ..this view still exists..
                                                                Lucky me !

in Dutch..:-) A song I love to sing..(in the bathroom)


^.^ said...

What a lovely and majestic song about our beloved ocean, D ... Always, cat.

Marcia said...

SIGH.......nothing like the sea. I can almost taste the salt in the air just looking at this. Weightless...floating...can you tell I'm a sea lover? :)
Beautiful music.
Just perfect today.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You know that the sea means a lot to me....you too dearest one? I wrote a poem in French about the sea and my mother...just a cinquaine poem that is not very long, but it means a lot to me. I will share it with you. Much love!