
From me to you..

Please stop by for a minute..
There's a present under the tree for you ..

For a girl that plays the piano so very well..
that the heavens are listening..

For a girl who wishes health..
take care of yourself..

Little trees are THE BEST..
just like you :)

For a girl that wished for happiness.
dance little sister..

Need I say more..

How about this one dearest..

and a memory..
old Christmas ornaments..
I brought you a suitcase...
there can never be enough memories..

and there's also love..
for all.
from me to you

My dear reader and Friend
                 Wishing you a Merry Everything..


Daniela said...

Dearest Dutchess,
thank you for the Beautiful lady you are !

Hope yopu had a wonserful Christmas day, I'm sending blessings on you coming days

Xx Daniela

Marijke said...

Wow, thank you for all the wishes I picked on out and treasure it, it gives hope!
I couldn't do better as what you did with this post so... I would like to send all the lovely wishes back to you, happy holidays from The Hague!
Thank you my friend!

Mapi said...

Oh dearest wat heb je een hemels geschenk voor me uitgezocht, dit was echt wat ik wenste XXXXXXX

Mapi said...

Thanks, thanks, thanks you are such a sweet friend !!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

DEAREST! I seem to be a day late here; we went out yesterday, spending a lovely time walking inside the biggest mall in America: The Mall of America! Then we shopped, we came home, stayed tucked in our cottage. I am delighted to see your kind wishes here for all of us who love you, and for each one of us on a personal level. YOU KNOW ME! I am wondering if the pony is for ME! For whomever this wish is for, I share in it, for it has been another splendid year of growing up, together. From all of us who cherish so many colorful memories, who love music, who need healing, who love nature (PONIES!), we send you this greeting:

To dearest Dutchess, may YOU have all the health and love and spiritual strength in 2017! WE LOVE YOU!

Kom Achterom said...

ooh zo lief! HEle fijne feestdagen! Yolanda

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest zuster, I want to come by once again before tomorrow gets away from me. I hope you have something wonderful planned to ring in 2017! MUCH LOVE TO YOU!

tree said...

What a beautiful blog you have. Sending you wishes for a beautiful New Year.