
Demented Plants..

Demented Plants...Thus wrote E A Bowles in the first of his gardening trilogy 'My Garden in Spring', first published in 1914. Those plants that exhibited strange variations, such as the Corkscrew Hazel and Plymouth Strawberry, he gathered together in his "Lunatic Asylum" and referred to these plants as "his maniacs".
 There is a place like that in my garden too..but i like to call it a safe haven ..for ODD and different looking plants.. (maybe because I.m a little odd myself:) And I love the variation...the more the merrier..
Every morning I walk my garden walk to check for something new or out of the ordinary.. Much to my surprise I found that we had visitors..they painted the roses red...or white...ehm red.. I am sure the rose had nothing to do with it.. A rose is a rose..isn't it.. or did she just went a little crazy..

 I love garden people ........


^.^ said...

I had a cork screw hazelnut bush while living in Europe, friend D ... By the time I decided to move to Canada, it was too big to uproot and take it along ... but I hear it is still doing its thing ... smiles ... Love, cat.

Mapi said...

Me too,always surprises in my garden...