
Stay away from your computer..

Do something like this...

or this..
summer is swift...
like a swallow in flight..



Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest, I have been having the time of my life doing things like this. It's already July and next month toward the end, I go back to work. I am very fortunate to have a job that gives such a generous break that is necessary. This time where I do find myself in solitude (my neighbors, husband and friends all work) is a great time and I've learned that solitude and "boredom" are all good to get the imagination started.

We must allow ourselves to just drift, watch, listen and maybe not even talk. The last poem I wrote titled, "Wireless" was intended to ponder on this, that in having TIME, "I finally belong to the falling leaf..."

Enjoy belonging to the fleeting landscape of summer, enjoy being on "the wings of a swallow in flight."

Mapi said...

Haha vanmiddag stond ik nog op een been ballen te vangen, wel bij de fysiotherapeut ...
Mapi xxx

Daniela said...

This post of yours is truly a delight, darling Dutchess, I've enjoyed so, so much the thime I've spent here with you today .. you're right, time is the season for relaxing ourselves ... for me the busiest of the whole year, alas ! !

Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week
with utmost gratitude


^.^ said...

I go on ma computer once a day, friend D ... which is not as easy as one might think ... cuz it depends on the consecutive hours I spend on it. Love, cat.

Marja said...

Delightful music and what an inviting photos Would love to be out there in the field
A bit cold here now though