Oh, how beautiful is this, dearest! I never heard of this being done! What a significant meaning hold the feathers, don't they! Hope. May my admiration and friendship fly across the miles to you, on this hope on wings, that one day, we shall meet. In the meantime, someone SPECIAL is having a birthday soon....
Oh, how beautiful is this, dearest! I never heard of this being done! What a significant meaning hold the feathers, don't they! Hope. May my admiration and friendship fly across the miles to you, on this hope on wings, that one day, we shall meet. In the meantime, someone SPECIAL is having a birthday soon....
Love that Dutchess.
En dat is weer goed gelukt Dearest !
Fijne dag achter de rug .....
Trouwens wat een leuk idee, veren omtoveren in bloemen, hier kan ik wat mee .....
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