
Too much..Too Little...

Was it enough..2017... was it too much ..overwhelming..(sad maybe)...Are there still dreams to pursue..is there  hope in your heart..wishes to whisper when you are alone..and will they come true.? Was it enough..do you worry of what will come....  How little it may be..the flickering of hope..the power you may think you have..the strength to cope...just keep the faith..in yourself...your loved ones..your wit..your creativity..your smile..to all that is gentle... and it will be everything we need..to make this new year a 2018 to remember..

My dear acquaintance, it's so good to know you
For strength of your hand
That is loving and giving
and a happy new year
With love overflowing
With joy in our hearts
For the blessed new year

 Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
For us all who are gathered here
 And a happy new year to all that is living
To all that is gentle, kind, and forgiving
Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
My dear acquaintance, a happy new year

 All of those who are hither and yonder
With love in our hearts
We grow fonder and fonder
Hail to those who we hold so dear
And hail to those who are gathered here

 And a happy new year to all that is living
To all that is gentle, young, and forgiving
Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
My dear acquaintance, a happy new year


Dear reader and friend..dear family..dear everyone..wishing you the best of New Years ever..we are blessed..xoxo


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest friend, zuster, companion in play, fellow traveler.....you are those things to me, and much more. You are a voice when all is too silent and unknown to me. You are a waving hand on a snowy landscape where all I can see is your friendship, waving from so far, far away. You are across a great divide of water, but water is life. Our second heartbeat is in that "nowhere" where the eye cannot see, but only the sister soul.

To you, to all that is gentle, I raise my cup. May our 2018 be filled, overflowing.

^.^ said...

Happy and healthy New Year, friend D ...smiles and purrs ... Love, cat.

Mapi said...

Oh wat mooi .....