

Dearest Friends,,you must be wondering where I disappeared to...out of vision..but believe me not out of sight....or the other way around..;)
Because not only was I celebrating birthdays ..I also had (have) a very bad eye infection ..I can now see again with one blurry eye so  I can wish you a happy Monday..AND dearest Nita..I.m now hopping over to Nowhere in  a jiffy..Love you guys..
Our friendship is forever..I see you...always..

“I see nobody on the road,' said Alice 'I only wish I had such eyes,' The King remarked in a fretful tone. 'To be able to see Nobody! And at that distance too! Why it's as much as I can do to see real people, by this light!” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

DEAREST DUTCHESS! You had an eye infection? Oh NO!!!!! That had to be awful! Oh my.....but there were many birthdays, including yours coming up! You may have had trouble seeing, but we both know the secret to that "second sight" - seeing with the heart and imagination. I wish you well and full recovery as August brings another closure to summer and a new pathway to discovery! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh.....I just saw your comment on Castles......and YOU, you are still to me, one of the biggest blessings in this wondrous world that we've created and beyond. I so hope your eye is restored to full capacity SOON! BIG LOVE!

^.^ said...

We are a pair … in a way, friend D … you with your eye infection and me with my broken knee cap … Things will get better … We can do this … Love, cat.

Mapi said...

Ach lieverd toch wat een ellende, hoop dat het zicht weer goed herstelt, denk aan je , love as always xxx