

We all need some sunlight after these dark winter days..
(and especially on Mondays...)

Wishing you a bright and colorful day..
Be Mellow
think yellow..

 “Turn the page, your heroine is still there,
 breathe, relax, life is beautiful: you're in a book!” 



Mapi said...

Ja helemaal goed !

Love as Always, Mapi xxx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dearest Dutchess!

I never seem to catch you before I leave for work on Mondays, but Tuesdays or any other day of the week seems like a magical moment with YOU.

My Monday was great until I got a very unfriendly message from someone who doesn't even know me but told me I was a terrible person. That's Monday for you....

Jeanne said...

Beautiful postings always and yes we all do well in sunshine.
Anxiously awaiting spring
Love Jeanne

^.^ said...

Wishing you a happy and safe week, friend D … I see Europe has quite a storm going on. Deep Winter here all over Canada as well. Would be a good time to either fly South or just hibernate til Spring:) Love, cat.