
Miss Potter: A Life in Photographs -

Miss Potter: A Life in Photographs - Victoria and Albert Museum: "It was Beatrix's delight to accompany her father on photographic expeditions. Happy to be by his side and excited by the possibilities of the new art form, she also became an avid photographer. She inherited one of her father's old cameras,'a most inconveniently heavy article. Through photography Rupert instructed Beatrix in the art of composition, and like Millais she too took photographs to record details that she would later use in her art"


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Isn't she marvelous?! I really liked the movie "Miss Potter," too. What a brilliant and talented lady! Cathy

Kyanite said...

I love her stories & ilustrations.
When a bookseller in the 70's bought the biography "The Tale of Beatrix Potter" by Maragret Lane.
And, more recently enjoyed, even more the film "Miss Potter" starring Renee Zellweger; so much so have the DVD.


abcd said...

What a huge coincidence, I drove past Beatrix Potter's home, Hilltop on Saturday!