

Why go into something to test the waters? Go into it to make waves...

The weather on the Hilltop is amazing..Spring hasn't been this warm since 1901...
We are enjoying it to the fullest...

The current is strong from what I've heard
It'll wisk you down the stream

My toes just touched the water
My toes just touched the water.....


*❀* said...

we are enjoying the warmth ad the early bluebells too :o)

your music is lovely! so pretty

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

DUTCHESS! I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!! Yes, MAKE WAVES DEAR ONE, MAKE WAVES!!!! Oh how you are enjoying such fine weather! We still have no flowers and it is cold with rain, but we are following you, but very slowly!!!!! Nita

Ricardo Miñana said...

Un placer pasar por tu casa,
si te gusta la poesía te invito a mi blog.
que tengas una feliz semana.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I just thought I would take a stroll through the Hilltop before I drove home from school...ahhhh, what a breath of fresh air from a friend can do to your soul....Nita