

"The morrow was a bright September morn; The earth was beautiful as if newborn; There was nameless splendor everywhere, That wild exhilaration in the air, Which makes the passers in the city street Congratulate each other as they meet."

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

There;s a lot of splendor to be found on the Hilltop ... we are celebrating  magnificent and  magical September days..lets enjoy while all is still green...lets meet in the Hilltop forest....


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

And I have walked along side you this morning, in your beautiful world, dearest Dutchess. Your world, like mine, is still very green and soon our worlds will transform into fascinating colors that will only lead us both deeper into our dreams. This walk today is special to me. The harp music is divine, the unknown path INTRIGUING and so suitable for my life at this moment, for today, is the first day of school. I will not be there, but I am now following a different path that seems frightening. But as you have provided here for me, a path with a friend or two who believes in you is a path worth taking.

The music.....perfect for today, I will be sitting down to learn a new piece and I will think of YOU, my beloved sister, mijn lieve zuster.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

BEAUTIFUL dear Dutchess.
I keep you in my thoughts, always.

Marja said...

Nice poem. We are having some lovely spring days here at the moment. Two days ago there was a big hail storm though.