
The witching hour...

And with the storm....

The witches came....

......to invite us all....
for tea.........................
Happy Halloween!
Art..1-Lisbeth Berger.....2- Arthur Rackham


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I WILL BE THERE.....at three sharp. Tea Rat will also be tagging along, as he just simply wants to get a glimpse of his beloved Miss M. and Hilltop! He does NOT care if there are witches in the air....you know him! He will brave the weather and the witches in order to be with his friends on the Hilltop.

OH DEAREST THE EAST COAST IS IN SUCH BAD SHAPE OUT HERE....there is much damage and at least 50 lost souls. I hope your weather is not so bad...keep safe and may everyone be well! LOVE! Nita

Mapi said...

Happy Halloween dearest Dutchess

I won't forget ...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

DUTCHESS! OOOH! YOu came to visit! I was just thinking of you! I am typing from The Loft Literary Center in Downtown Minneapolis. Tonight I am taking my first class on how to write your MEMOIRS! I was thinking of you and then HERE YOU ARE....

DO TELL..how is the weather? How is the Divine Miss M.? Is she keeping warm?

You are always in my heart precious sister. Nita