

My dear readers and friends...I'm closing the window...my window to the world...Going on a break...
Much needed. When I get back my view will be autumnal...and life on the Hilltop will go on..

You will be missed...take care. Stay warm,stay happy..and be strong...
Somewhere..anywhere..nowhere or wherever ...I'm taking you with me in my heart..

See you end of Sept....xoxo


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh how we will miss you....so so much. But I am glad we all had a moment to celebrate your bday in Nowhere, somewhere, on this beautiful planet of ours that we share.

I always think of you, and as I listen to this lovely music and see them flying over MONT ST MICHEL and other lovely parts of the world, I feel like one of these geese.....flying to my friend.


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Dutchess,
Bebe and I will miss you... Enjoy your break dear friend..

Susan said...

Yes, you will be missed! Have a wonderful,and restful, break~

Mapi said...

Oh lieve Dutchess je gaat er dus een tijdje tussenuit. Ik zal je bijdragen zeker gaan missen.
Rust goed uit en zorg goed voor jezelf.
Tot straks dan maar weer !
Enjoy your break !

Heel veel liefs
Mapi xox

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Precious zuster! YOU ARE IN SPAIN! In my daddie's land and how enchanted that would be to see you there!

Thank you for coming by and YOU, YOU ALWAYS "HAPPEN" to someone. You happened to me years ago, and literally, I haven't been the same since. XOXOXO

fleur said...

Af en toe tijd voor jezelf nemen is fijn en nodig! Rust lekker uit en ik kijk al weer uit naar je mooie herfstberichten!
groetjes Fleur

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I can't wait to hear from the Divine Miss Moussie all about the adventure on the MOUNTAIN TOP, under stormy skies!