
Inside Job...

I,m inside...on this hottest day EVER in our Dutch history..There is this job I want to finisch...Building up my new Chromebook ! I,m very HAPPY about it because my computer was giving me a lot of troubles lately and its placed in the attic..too hot to work.. its been like a sauna upstairs in the last few weeks. I am now sitting comfurtly in my living room :) The words you are now reading I just typed on my new device..so it works..IF in any case..you get mixed messages today ..than its because its not working perfectly..yet..read...the Dutchess is trying..hahaaa....xoxo



^.^ said...

Good luck with your new device, friend D. Love, cat,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

DEAREST! I cannot believe how much heat you all have been experiencing. This is the kind of HOT that I used to experience growing up in Los Angeles California! My dear, you are all not used to this. I hope this is not going to become your new normal! However, I am so happy to see you are here, typing away on a new device! I have missed you so much, and this music sounds BUSY and fun, which I hope you have been having. Lots of fun and being busy learning new things and how you'll continue your art. OK my sister, I hope your evening is cool. I will think of you as I look out into the evening sky.