
IIIIIIIts .....Wednesday...!!

My dear reader and friend..
So sorry I missed Monday but there was (is) a problem with my internet!
How are you doing ..
balancing ..?
keeping your world turning..!

I do hope you are doing fine :)
we carry on..

I will see you tomorrow..
Blog season has now officially started ..
Its the season of Hope
Its the season of Light
Its the season of Christmas to come ..
and we ARE gonna celebrate this..
not only are we going to celebrate..
we are gonna  SHINE..




Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I knew you'd be back; I watch every Monday and when I didn't see your star shine here on MOnday, I figured that it was a passing cloud that covered your sparkle. But you are here. So am I. And you are right: it's time for us to shine TOGETHER. The dark sky will always come but that's when we shine the most.

Dearest one, how are YOU? We are managing, balancing the realities of goodness alongside the very real darkness. Day, night....they live together in this life.

Mapi said...

Wat een geweldig idee Dearest en fijn dat je uiteindelijk toch weer een bezoek aan mijn blog kon brengen, ik ga op zoek wat de reden kan zijn, zelf moet ik ook eindeloos wachten voordat kan zien wat ik aan het doen ben , oh ,oh,oh...

^.^ said...

I'm super late, friend D ... Very early Friday morning here in Alberta, Canada ... Just came home from work ... Still working frontline ... face and eyes really burn and nose is really runs after 12 hours of masking and ears hurt and soul cries ... Hope you and your loved ones are well, friend D? Sending much love, cat.